Once we decided to go into the agave production business, through friends we found lawyers in Merida, Yucatan, who could help us set up the business and of course we needed them to speak English as our Spanish is just a taste.
We met with our new attorney and he also recommended an accountant. He explained how such a business can be structured in Mexico and what we would have to decide. First a name: after batting around some ideas we settled on Organica Maya and were pleased when the name was approved and is now a registered Mexican company.
The board of the company consists of myself, Efrem Razumny (center), my wife Diana Razumny, and our project manager Daniel Oseguera (right).
Our aim is to grow the agave plants under natural conditions for the highest quality possible. Our fields have never been sprayed and have only been used to grow corn, beans and squash by the local Mayans. We also considered growing other crops such as Neem trees and bamboo. Many possibilities are in the future of our new company but for now we are focused on the growing of our agave to produce our Pixan brand of 100% agave azul liquor.